Image of child and teacherImage of child and teacher

Sensory Stories

Bringing stories to life for everyone

SEN tagsSessions for pupils/students tags

Our lively sensory stories offer learners an opportunity to engage with books and language using multi-sensory exploration. They are adaptable in time, structure and group size to suit the needs and targets of your learners. Touch, smell, sounds, visual stimuli, and movement are all incorporated in our wide range of imaginative props which can be borrowed after our story session to allow for repetition and recall within your own classroom.

We will discuss the needs of your pupils in advance so we can tailor each session specifically towards your learners.

Our Sensory Stories provide many opportunities to fulfil EHCP targets such as…

  • Communication and language: interaction with peers and adults. Using language and learning new words, signs or songs.
  • Emotional and Social development: meeting new people, sharing, turn taking, mood regulation.
  • Concentration: Responding to language, sensory input. Maintaining sustained interest.

Session capacity: 6-8 pupils, depending on class requirement.

Session length: up to 30 mins, all timings are flexible depending on pupils’ needs.

Alternatively, a set of resources for each story can also be borrowed as part of your subscription for you to deliver the story yourself.

Depending on the colour modules you choose, you can have:

Pink module 1.5 hours of sessions per year
Purple module 2 hours of sessions per year
Green module 6 hours of sessions per year
Orange module – 12 hours of sessions per year

Choose from:

The Girl Who Loves Bugs by Lily Murray and Jenny Lovlie

Curriculum/ EHCP target links: Exploring the Wider World – Minibeasts

Evie loves bugs! One day she decides to bring the bugs inside so she can be with them all the time. On the day of her Great Gran’s visit, Evie wakes up to find her bugs have escaped…..all over the house! Lots of lively bug based fun with songs, giant insects and sounds.

Monkey and Me by Emily Gravett

Curriculum/ EHCP target links: Exploring the Wider World – Animals

A little girl and her toy monkey go on an adventure and meet lots of animals along the way. Waddle like a penguin, jump like a kangaroo and stomp like an elephant! Lots of noisy interactive fun with songs, sensory resources, smells and sounds.

The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas

Curriculum/ EHCP target links: PSED – Recognising and regulating emotions

Colour Monster is very confused. His emotions are all mixed up! A little girl shows him what each feeling means through colours. Learners will experience happy, sad, angry, calm, or scared through our multi-sensory interactive resources and music.

More coming soon…….

The pupils responded incredibly positively to the session, a particular child who usually struggles to engage in our activities, particularly for that length of time, remained sat and focused throughout. Again, the delivery style was instrumental in this- allowing time for children to respond and explore but keeping the pace quick enough to be able to re focus the children.

The items used were engaging, enhanced the storytelling and gave opportunities for extension; we discussed why penguins carry eggs on their feet, why kangaroos have pouches. Perhaps more importantly though it encouraged the children to re tell the story themselves, together using the book. These collaboration, storytelling and performance skills were fantastic to watch.

The session met many EHCP targets; focusing attention on a given activity, sharing an activity with others, noticing and commenting on a given activity, waiting for a turn.

Sarah Wyatt
Spinney Hill DSP