Lots of toy beach and sea itemsLots of toy beach and sea items

Object Explorer Sessions

Developed in consultation with local special schools our Explorer Sessions offer pupils the opportunity to experience and explore a wide variety of objects and artefacts in their own classroom

SEN tagsSessions for pupils/students tags

Our sessions are facilitated by experienced workshop leaders and are very flexible in time, structure and group size. We will discuss the needs of your learners in advance so we can tailor each session specifically towards your pupil needs and targets.

  1. ‘Multi – Sensory Explorer Sessions:’

Free flow, open ended, multisensory object investigation sessions, making space for pupils with SEND to explore a menu of choices at their own pace and level, which promotes varied and multiple responses.

This child-led, pupil centred approach provides many opportunities to fulfil EHCP targets such as…

  • Communication and language: interaction with peers and adults. Using language and learning new words
  • Emotional and Social development: meeting new people, sharing, mood regulation
  • Concentration: maintaining sustained interest
  • Cognitive: learning new skills and language

Session capacity: 1-10 pupils, depending on class requirements.

Session length: up to 30 mins, all timings are flexible depending on pupils’ needs.

  • Sensory Seasons
  • Discovering Dinosaurs
  • Animal Magic – where do we live?
  • Clay Explorers (coming soon)
  1. ‘Directed Sessions:’

These sessions are presented by an experienced workshop leader and tailored to suit the individual needs of your pupils in terms of group size, communication styles, objects used and session length. They take the format of a short, interactive introduction and then hands on or creative activities to follow. All our objects and artefacts used are specifically selected for their suitability of use with SEND pupils.

Session capacity: maximum 6-8 pupils

Session length: 30-45 mins, all timings are flexible depending on pupils’ needs.

Choose from:

  • My Toys Long Ago
  • Dinosaur Discoverers
  • Felt Making for Fun
  • A Journey Through Roman Leicester
  • My Home Long Ago
  • Buried Treasure! (coming soon)

NB: If your pupils are studying National Curriculum Topics please check out our mainstream school offer at https://www.creativelearningservices.org.uk/our-services/sessions-for-pupilsstudents/museum-outreach/

Most of our sessions can be adapted to suit the needs of the learners in your class.

Depending on the colour modules you choose, you can have:

Pink module – 1.5 hours of sessions per year
Purple module 2 hours of sessions per year
Green module 6 hours of sessions per year
Orange module 12 hours of sessions per year

The pupils responded incredibly positively to the session. The session was well considered and very well delivered. The social story prior to the session was very helpful in helping the children be prepared and therefore able to engage easier.
The pitch was at the right level for the children to engage and the variety of items to explore was fantastic.
The children were focused on the input part of the session far longer than I had anticipated and the connections to the past were very well made and have encouraged me to use this theme through our topic of transport.
The session met many EHCP targets; focusing attention on a given activity, sharing an activity with others, noticing and commenting on a given activity, waiting for a turn.

Sarah Wyatt
Spinney Hill DSP