Our Experimenting with Art Sessions offer pupils the opportunity to experience and explore a variety of art activities in the familiarity of their own classroom. We will supply all the resources and artworks that are needed.
Our sessions are facilitated by experienced workshop leaders and are very flexible in time, structure and group size. We will discuss the needs of your pupils in advance so we can tailor each session specifically towards your learners.
Depending on the colour modules you choose, you can have:
Pink module – 1.5 hours per year
Purple module – 2 hours per year
Green module – 6 hours per year
Orange module – 12 hours per year
1. Experimental sensory sessions
Designed to allow space for learners with SEND to explore materials and techniques at their own pace and level.
Our Art Sessions provide many opportunities to fulfil EHCP targets such as…
- Communication and language: interaction with peers and adults. Using language and learning new words
- Physical: encouraging the use of both gross and fine motor skills
- Emotional and Social development: meeting new people, mood regulation
- Concentration: maintaining sustained interest or focus
- Cognitive: learning new skills and language
Session capacity: 1-10 pupils, depending on class requirements.
Session length: up to 30 mins, all timings are flexible depending on pupils’ needs.
- Experiments in ink / watercolours / acrylics
Our workshop leader will be on hand to demonstrate different possibilities, but learners are free to experiment with a wide variety of mark making tools and brushes to create their own abstract artwork. Sessions can incorporate bright vibrant coloured inks, water colours or acrylics.
- Experiments in clay
Learners are encouraged to work with a wide variety of methods and tools to manipulate air dry clay in whichever way they choose.
A large sensory selection of resources will be provided to allow for free choice and interaction, incorporating all of the senses.
Learners will also get the opportunity to interact with tactile sculpture and artworks from our collection if appropriate.
2. Directed sessions
Using artefacts and methods specifically selected for their use with SEND pupils, these sessions involve a more directed approach. Led by an experienced workshop leader these take the format of a short, interactive introduction/demonstration before learners try out their own ideas. All sessions will be tailored to suit the individual needs of your pupils in terms of group size, communication styles, objects used and session length.
Session capacity: maximum 6-8
Session length: 30- 45 mins, all timings are flexible depending on pupils’ needs.
Choose from:
- Printing
Woodblock printing: We have a collection of woodblocks that can be used to cover different themes including seasons/ botanical/ insects & wildlife/ Seaside & Sea life / The Farm / Traditional Indian patterns / Diwali and Christmas. Pupils can create pictures, cards, wrapping paper etc on request.
Mono printing on Gelli blocks using seasonal flowers / foliage / leaves / found items.
- Aboriginal art
Activity using original Aboriginal art for inspiration. Pupils are provided with the outlines of different Australian animals including Koala bear, Lizard / Gecko, Kangaroo and Turtle. Brightly coloured posca pens or paints are used to paint them in the style of Aboriginal artists.
- Drawn to Wildlife
Learners will have the opportunity to view real wildlife specimens from our Resource Box collection for inspiration. These could be foxes, rabbits, badgers, moles or any specific animal that fits in with a topic area. They will then use a variety of methods to recreate fur textures and patterns. This session could also be adapted for pupils interested in finding out how to draw animals.
- Take Flight
Learners will have the opportunity to view real bird specimens from our resource box collection for inspiration. They will then use a variety of methods to recreate the feather and colour detail of what they see. Teachers can choose from birds of prey, garden birds, owls, water birds or anything that fits in with their pupil’s interests or topics studied.
This session could also be adapted for pupils interested in finding out how to draw birds.
- Take One Picture / Sculpture
This session involves a selection of works on a theme using different materials and participants get an opportunity to create an artwork using the same materials.
NB: If your pupils are studying at National Curriculum level please check out our mainstream school offer at https://www.creativelearningservices.org.uk/our-services/sessions-for-pupilsstudents/art-workshops/
Most of our sessions can be adapted to suit the needs of the learners in your class.